Monday, February 23, 2009

Split of a microsecond

Split of a microsecond
Originally uploaded by Laati
I wonder if his comment makes sense to him? The last line "By breaking things, you can form a matchless piece of art, beauty and strength" confuses me. Broken things are unique and matchless but what do they have to do with strength? Is spontaneously changing something from its original form to a matchless form a piece of art. Is the action or the outcome the art? Maybe both, maybe...


Katie Fisher said...

Or is art the idea and the object a mere reflection of the original idea. Must art be made to really be art? At what point does it become art?

Is art always an object?

Ryanster8 said...

Wow! Am I confused?! Is art, art? Are all things art? Aren't all things created? Is creating art? Does art = creation? Can art create?

Katie Fisher said...

Art can create! We are art!
"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works."
We were created to create!!!!
More questions that make my head hurt:
Who decides what art is? Can art be reduced to a set of criteria?
What is the difference between art and commodity?
Why do some objects have cultural and aesthetic value while some objects are strictly functional?
Can functional objects "function" as art?