I wonder if his comment makes sense to him? The last line "By breaking things, you can form a matchless piece of art, beauty and strength" confuses me. Broken things are unique and matchless but what do they have to do with strength? Is spontaneously changing something from its original form to a matchless form a piece of art. Is the action or the outcome the art? Maybe both, maybe...
Monday, February 23, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Well Conan is moving to the 11:30 slot now which is somewhat exciting but also kind of sad. I always liked knowing that if I am bored later at night I could be constantly entertained by that beautiful man. Now if I want to see him I need to plan my night around it. Bah to hell with my complaining! On with the clips!!
The top ten Conan clips!!!
Conan with Martha Stewart!!!
Conan With Martha Stewart - The funniest videos clips are here
The Best of Conan
Conan and Colbert
The top ten Conan clips!!!
Conan with Martha Stewart!!!
Conan With Martha Stewart - The funniest videos clips are here
The Best of Conan
Conan and Colbert
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Charming Wall!
My friend Bridge told me about an amazing website last week that is made by professional designers and artists based in NYC. It is simply beautiful. It's at charmingwall.com. Check it out!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Photogram Magic
So I am taking a fine art photography class this semester. Our first project is a large photogram. Its not the best of projects but the photograms are interesting in them selves and I thought I would share a few examples of the process so far. In the end I will have a piece made up of between 12 to 16 of these single sheets all put together as one. I think I am going to try and go for a Glaxy/space theme.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Obama's Inauguration
It's been almost two weeks since I got the awesome opportunity to go see President Obama be sworn in at the capital building in Washington D.C. and I am finally getting a chance to blog about it instead of doing my homework. What an experience it was! The national park service estimated about 1.8 million people there! The biggest inaugural gathering ever in history! You could feel the energy not just in the crowd that day but even in the city during the days leading up to the event. My whole family got to be in D.C. for 5 days together. We went to the per-inaugural concert the Sunday before. It was just a taste of what was to come that Tuesday. We were very far away because we got there a bit late but it was still a good time. People pay hundreds of dollars to see those musicians peform and we got to see them for FREE! It was somewhat of a mini family vacation and we loved it! Here are some pics:
Porta Potties! There were over 16,000 of them there!
This was during the pre-Inaugural concert on Sunday.
The packed streets after the concert let out.
More packed streets looking the othe way
Me around 7am once we finally got onto the mall.
Seth at the same time. The sun was coming up and we were glad because it was freezing!

The capital building up close and personal after the Inauguration.
A sad and lonely flag after the Inauguration. Boy scouts handed out thousands of little flags to anyone who wanted one all morning long.
The start of the parade by the capital building.
Obama and his new Cadillac!
Seth and I left Ben and Morgan's apartment at 4:45 am to try and get a decent spot on the mall for the people who didn't have tickets. Mom and Dad left around 8am who had tickets from Ben that he snagged from his new job working for Senator Sherrod Brown. Ben and Morgan left with them to try and get a spot on the mall like Seth and I. We met up with Seth's roommate and his friend by the capital building who took a train in during the night from Virginia. The capital building looked beautiful! They leit it up from all directions with giant spot lights. It looked as if it were coverd in a strange light blue glowing ooze. It was spectacular! We thought that it was going to be fairly easy to enter on to the mall at various checkpoints that we knew about. We were so wrong in making that assumption! Once we hit the backside of the Capital building we started working our way around to the front. We hit one gate packed full of people who had purple tickets fo rthe event and then realized this wasn't for us we started following the crowds, winding through various blocks and streets. We came to a tunnel that goes under the mall and followed that. This entire time every seemed confused and not sure where to go. You could here and see ticket holders constantly going in the opposite direction. Bus loads of people being dropped off in wrong locations to where there ticket holder gates were and just mass confusion. Once out of the tunnel packed full of people we were taken through some more winding paths and blocks on the other side of the mall than where we started finally entering the mall a little more than half way between the capital building and the washington monument. We were greeted by 30 to 40 people shouting, cheering and saying welcome, trying to get the crowds fired up to fight the bitter cold. The temperature never left the 20's that day. By the time we entered onto the mall we could see the sun start to rise. The event was crazy! We were in the section with all the press so we constantly saw adn tried to get in the background of live news updates amoungst the crowd. I know that I was on TV for atleast BBC if not ABC as well. Everyone was freezing but still in good moods. Seth adn I brought a milk crate with us to see better and it turned into a photo taking stand for anyone adn everyone around us. People were very appreciative. Once the announcing of people coming arriving started the crowd started to perk up after hours of jsut standing around trying to stay warm. You coudl feel the energy surge through teh crowds including one attempt of doing the wave! When both former President Bush's were announced most of the crowd around us booed and when Dick Chaney was announced several people around us started humming the Darth Vader theme song. It was somewhat sad to hear peoples responses to those men but amusing at the same time. I did not participate though. They all deserve respect in some form or another. I am just glad they are no longer in power! Everyone was so pumped for Obama to talk. The crowd kept cheering so much when he would say wonderful things that it almost made it hard to hear. It was exhilerating to be there and I am very greatful to be apart of history in that way.
Seth and I left Ben and Morgan's apartment at 4:45 am to try and get a decent spot on the mall for the people who didn't have tickets. Mom and Dad left around 8am who had tickets from Ben that he snagged from his new job working for Senator Sherrod Brown. Ben and Morgan left with them to try and get a spot on the mall like Seth and I. We met up with Seth's roommate and his friend by the capital building who took a train in during the night from Virginia. The capital building looked beautiful! They leit it up from all directions with giant spot lights. It looked as if it were coverd in a strange light blue glowing ooze. It was spectacular! We thought that it was going to be fairly easy to enter on to the mall at various checkpoints that we knew about. We were so wrong in making that assumption! Once we hit the backside of the Capital building we started working our way around to the front. We hit one gate packed full of people who had purple tickets fo rthe event and then realized this wasn't for us we started following the crowds, winding through various blocks and streets. We came to a tunnel that goes under the mall and followed that. This entire time every seemed confused and not sure where to go. You could here and see ticket holders constantly going in the opposite direction. Bus loads of people being dropped off in wrong locations to where there ticket holder gates were and just mass confusion. Once out of the tunnel packed full of people we were taken through some more winding paths and blocks on the other side of the mall than where we started finally entering the mall a little more than half way between the capital building and the washington monument. We were greeted by 30 to 40 people shouting, cheering and saying welcome, trying to get the crowds fired up to fight the bitter cold. The temperature never left the 20's that day. By the time we entered onto the mall we could see the sun start to rise. The event was crazy! We were in the section with all the press so we constantly saw adn tried to get in the background of live news updates amoungst the crowd. I know that I was on TV for atleast BBC if not ABC as well. Everyone was freezing but still in good moods. Seth adn I brought a milk crate with us to see better and it turned into a photo taking stand for anyone adn everyone around us. People were very appreciative. Once the announcing of people coming arriving started the crowd started to perk up after hours of jsut standing around trying to stay warm. You coudl feel the energy surge through teh crowds including one attempt of doing the wave! When both former President Bush's were announced most of the crowd around us booed and when Dick Chaney was announced several people around us started humming the Darth Vader theme song. It was somewhat sad to hear peoples responses to those men but amusing at the same time. I did not participate though. They all deserve respect in some form or another. I am just glad they are no longer in power! Everyone was so pumped for Obama to talk. The crowd kept cheering so much when he would say wonderful things that it almost made it hard to hear. It was exhilerating to be there and I am very greatful to be apart of history in that way.
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