It has been a week now since I returned from PAPA Fest. Nine friends from the Kent Vineyard Church and one from the Columbus Vineyard Church joined me at the Festival. We had a wonderful time together experiencing a mini short-term community ourselves while learning about various forms community and what they can look like. We cooked, cleaned, laughed, had good-discussions and meaning conversations and most of all just simply enjoyed one another, whether we had just met a week ago or known each other for years.
By the end I was covered in my own sweat, body oils and a thick layer of dirt/dust. It was somewhat of a good feeling not showering for 5 days. There was something freeing about it. Too often am I worried about my cleanliness and B.O. We had talked about as a group how American culture looks down upon bad bodily smells and how most of the world doesn't. Very few cultures around the world use deodorant. So I have decided to shower less and not use deodorant. Below are some pics from the festival. The first is a group shot of all eleven of us.
By the end I was covered in my own sweat, body oils and a thick layer of dirt/dust. It was somewhat of a good feeling not showering for 5 days. There was something freeing about it. Too often am I worried about my cleanliness and B.O. We had talked about as a group how American culture looks down upon bad bodily smells and how most of the world doesn't. Very few cultures around the world use deodorant. So I have decided to shower less and not use deodorant. Below are some pics from the festival. The first is a group shot of all eleven of us.

Here is a random shot of our goofiness coming out. I was not sure what was going on or how I found myself in the middle of it but I like it none the less!

Here is a shot of the band mewithoutYou below. From the sounds of it this might have been their last show together. They played the following Monday in Cleveland without their drummer or bassist. They were simply amazing! I don't know them that well but to feel their energy as a band and the crowds energy together was something that I can't describe with words. They were beautiful.